Browse Items (13 total)
U.S. Cybersecurity Policy and the Role of U.S. CYBERCOM
Remarks by the President on Securing Our Nation's Cyber Infrastructure
Statement of General Keith B. Alexander, Commander United States Cyber Command before the House Committee on Armed Services
Terrorism, Unconventional Threats, and Capabilities Subcommittee: Operating in the Digital Domain: Organizing the Military Departments for Cyber Operations
This hearing features military leaders (Navy, Marine Corps, Army and Air Force). The purpose is to learn about the progress military services are making on cybersecurity. The subcommittee also wants to know the doctrinal, training and recruiting…
U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke Announces Initiative to Keep Internet Open for Innovation and Trade at Cybersecurity Forum
Tags: censorship, Commerce, Locke, speeches
William Lynn interviewed by Charlie Rose
Charlie Rose asks Lynn a series of questions which focus around threats, vulnerabilities and security. Lynn discusses that there is a huge threat that the military and government should be protected from. To start the interview, Rose asks Lynn what…
Bruce Schneier on Cyber War and Cyber Crime
Schneier is a leading security expert. He does not deny that cyber attacks are effective and damaging, but provides an educated alternative to dominant government and military voices. He questions whether certain cyber attacks (like the Stuxnet worm…
Tags: alternative viewpoint, Schneier, speeches
Understanding Cyber Security Threats
Jeff Moss talks about cybersecurity through a hacker's perspective even though he is officially a "security professional." While nations might want secrets or criminals want money, hackers want knowledge. Moss points out that hackers and researchers…
Securing the future of liberty
Janet Napolitano addresses the urgency of cyber threats and desire for the Department of Homeland Security to build an effective team to secure the nation from potential threats. Her message emphasizes the importance of teamwork in the cyber world.…
Remarks by Secretary Gates at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council 2010 Meeting
Tags: interview, speeches, Wall Street