Terrorism, Unconventional Threats, and Capabilities Subcommittee: Operating in the Digital Domain: Organizing the Military Departments for Cyber Operations

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Terrorism, Unconventional Threats, and Capabilities Subcommittee: Operating in the Digital Domain: Organizing the Military Departments for Cyber Operations


This hearing features military leaders (Navy, Marine Corps, Army and Air Force). The purpose is to learn about the progress military services are making on cybersecurity. The subcommittee also wants to know the doctrinal, training and recruiting needs for the military.

The topic of this hearing assumes that there is a great need for cybersecurity in the United States military. The testimonies provide a look into how the various military branches prepare for cyber threats, and how important cybersecurity is to them. Each speaker informs the committee about their cybersecurity preparations. They also call for more resources to enhance their security (e.g. increase cyber experts, technology, etc.).

This hearing is used in the Journalism Directory because a diverse list of speeches provides wide-ranging context for cyberwar and cybersecurity.


Here you'll find the link to the hearing page. It has the video and individual statements available. 


United States House of Representatives: House Armed Services Committee Democrats


September 23, 2010


Chairwoman: Loretta Sanchez


Website Item Type Metadata



Major General Rhett Hernandez (Army) Biography:http://www.army.mil/-news/2011/04/07/54606-us-army-cyber-commands-hernandez-promoted/index.html Statement:http://democrats.armedservices.house.gov/index.cfm/files/serve?File_id=067ffc96-e5c1-4cef-baa2-010d16e3be57, "Terrorism, Unconventional Threats, and Capabilities Subcommittee: Operating in the Digital Domain: Organizing the Military Departments for Cyber Operations," in Cyberwar Resources Guide, Item #111, https://www.projectcyw-d.org/resources/items/show/111 (accessed February 23, 2025).