Browse Items (17 total)
Technology, Policy, Law, and Ethics Regarding U.S. Acquisition and Use of Cyberattack Capabilities
Main Argument: Many articles and reports focus on how cyber attacks have the potential to damage critical infrastructure. The authors of this book argue that cyber attacks can actually be used for security purposes as well. Rather than creating…
Own your space: Keep yourself and your stuff safe online
Main Argument: McCarthy argues that understanding internet security is imperative for the safety and well-being of youth. Educators, parents and/or caregivers should understand online threats in order to help their children learn to avoid them. The…
Tags: industry reports, Microsoft, Security, Teenagers
Cyberwar 2.0: Myths, Mysteries & Reality
Main Argument: This collection of articles revolves around the theme of a new realm of information. As this is the “information age,” reasons for engaging in war will change. This book argues that the war may be non-violent. Meaning, war…
Tags: Book
Cyberwar: Point. Click. Destroy
Main Argument: This book is meant for grades 5-9. Menhard raises several questions raised by new technologies. He includes filtering, copyright, privacy, etc. as major concerns throughout the text. He offers well-researched information, but no…
Tags: Books, Educational
Cyberwar 3.0: Human Factors in Information Operations and Future Conflict
Main Argument: The nature of war has changed significantly. One does not need to wear a uniform and stand on the front lines anymore. In this Information Age, conflict arises from ideas, identity, values and fears. The authors argue that there has…
Tags: Book
Cyberwar, Netwar and the Revolution in Military Affairs (part 1)
Main Argument: This book argues that conflict and security have radically changed in the 21st century due to the Cold War, 9/11 and War on Terror. The authors argue that technology is affecting war, as well as people’s conceptions of war.
Tags: Book
Cyberwars: Espionage on the Internet
Main Argument: Guisnel argues that security risks are real and should not be taken lightly. However, he warns that in the name of “security” against terrorists or other adversaries might violate civil liberties and freedom of speech. He…
High-Tech Crimes Revealed: Cyberwar Stories from the Digital Front
Main Argument: The argument of this book is to help educate people on cyber crimes. Branigan includes stories of hacking, viruses, identity theft, etc. in order to understand them. The goal is to inform readers about why and how hackers conduct cyber…
Tags: Book
Cyberwar and Cyber-attack: How is our strongest network at risk of becoming our weakest link?
Main Argument: This book argues that before engaging into detailed, complicated texts about cyberwar and cyber attacks, one should have a general grasp of what the larger issues are. While the book moves beyond concepts like "hackers" and…
Tags: Book
Hacking: The Next Generation
Main Argument: The authors identify new hacking techniques and abilities. Essentially, this book provides examples of hacking attacks and helps prepare for any future cyber threat. They emphasize that hackers now use social media sites, mobile…
Tags: Book