Technology, Policy, Law, and Ethics Regarding U.S. Acquisition and Use of Cyberattack Capabilities

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Technology, Policy, Law, and Ethics Regarding U.S. Acquisition and Use of Cyberattack Capabilities


Main Argument: Many articles and reports focus on how cyber attacks have the potential to damage critical infrastructure. The authors of this book argue that cyber attacks can actually be used for security purposes as well. Rather than creating policies to protect the United States against cyber attacks, this book argues that cyber attacks can be used to implement policy and conduct military purposes. It describes domestic and international legal structure in regards to cyber attacks to explore options for how cyber attacks can be beneficial. 
Style: Scholarly
Sources: Scholarly sources, footnotes
Structure: 10 chapters, appendices 
Context in discussion: As the book implies, discourse surrounding cyber attacks focuses on how to protect, defend and secure the United States against threats. This book offers an alternative viewpoint about how cyber attacks are used. 
Context in website: This book provides a non-governmental view of cyberwar in terms of seeing its benefits in policy. Michael Hayden discusses the difference between the United States' use of cyber attacks and an "enemy's" use of cyber attack on the United States in his speech at the Black Hat Conference 2010. If a nation-state uses cyber attacks for defense or security, it is not an "attack." However, similar attacks used against the United States constitutes an "attack." Michael Hayden's speech parallels the main argument of this book. 


Owens,William A.


Chair and CEO of AEA Holdings
Vice chair and chief executive officer of Nortel
Chief executive officer and chair of Teledesic LLC
President, chief operating officer, and vice chair of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
Vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 

Dam, Kenneth W.


Co-chair, University of Chicago
Deputy secretary (the second-ranking official) in the Department of Treasury (2001-2003)
Department of State (1982-1985)
Executive director of the Council on Economic Policy
Assistant director for national security and international policy at the Office of Management and Budget
He began his Washington career as law clerk to U.S. Professor, University of Chicago
Provost, University of Chicago (1980-1982)


National Academies Press





William A. Owens
Kenneth W. Dam
Herbert S. Lin

Item Type





Washington, D.C.


National Academies Press




Owens,William A. Credentials: Chair and CEO of AEA HoldingsVice chair and chief executive officer of Nortel Chief executive officer and chair of Teledesic LLCPresident, chief operating officer, and vice chair of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)Vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, "Technology, Policy, Law, and Ethics Regarding U.S. Acquisition and Use of Cyberattack Capabilities," in Cyberwar Resources Guide, Item #137, (accessed February 23, 2025).