Cyberwar, Netwar and the Revolution in Military Affairs (part 1)

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Cyberwar, Netwar and the Revolution in Military Affairs (part 1)


Main Argument: This book argues that conflict and security have radically changed in the 21st century due to the Cold War, 9/11 and War on Terror. The authors argue that technology is affecting war, as well as people’s conceptions of war.

Style: Academic

Sourcing: Scholarly sources

Structure: 10 chapters addressing history, information warfare, military, political science and technology/engineering

Context in discussion: This book focuses largely on military and political science. Many books and articles generally speak about how technology has changed or is changing society, war, etc. However, this book focuses on how technology affects war specifically and adds in political science.

Context in website: Some speakers discuss how cyber threats can significantly affect war, so the Speech Collection will provide more military perspectives on technology.


Haplin, Edward F.


Director of the Praxis Centre at Leeds Metropolitan University European Parliament Scientific and Technical Options Assessment (STOA) Unit
Co-edited the book Human Rights and the Internet (Palgrave Macmillan)
Teaches at the School of Applied Global Ethics at Leeds Metropolitan University

Philippa Trevorrow


Graduated from University of Exeter Research Officer
School of Information Management at Leeds Metropolitan University Praxis Centre

Webb, David


DPhil in Space Physics  
University of York Researcher at Bell Laboratories (1975)
University of York Directorate of Scientific and Technical Intelligence (1978)
Computer Unit at Leeds Metropolitan University (1979) School of Engineering (1980s)
Praxis Centre on theStudy of Information and Technology in Peace, Conflict Resolution and Human Rights

Wright, Steve 


Visiting Professor at Leeds Metropolitan University Chair of Privacy International
Former Director of the Omega Foundation
European Parliamentary report highlighting the US global telecommunications interception network - Echelon





Haplin, Edward F. Credentials: Director of the Praxis Centre at Leeds Metropolitan University European Parliament Scientific and Technical Options Assessment (STOA) Unit Co-edited the book Human Rights and the Internet (Palgrave Macmillan) Teaches at the School of Applied Global Ethics at Leeds Metropolitan University, "Cyberwar, Netwar and the Revolution in Military Affairs (part 1)," in Cyberwar Resources Guide, Item #36, (accessed February 23, 2025).