Security in an Uncertain World: Great Britain's New National Security Strategy

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Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones discusses Britain's newly appointed National Security Council and their plans to protect Britain from various threats. Neville-Jones briefly talks about cyber on p. 17 of the transcript. She notes that cyber threats (theft and general illegal cyber activity) are real and that the council will put a lot of money towards securing Britain.The council plans on bringing military and civilians into the cyber strategy, but Neville-Jones did not go into great detail about what the strategy entails.

Though the cyber part of Great Britain's New National Security Strategy is fairly general and short, nations across the world are implementing cybersecurity strategies.

Neville-Jones bases her speech on A Strong Britain in an Age of Uncertainty: The National Security Strategy


Introduction and Moderator: Peter W. Singer (Senior Fellow and Director, 21st Century Defense Initiative, The Brookings Institution)

Discussant: Jonathan Laurence (Nonresident Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution)

Featured Speaker: Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones (Minister of State for Security and Counterterrorism, Government of the United Kingdom)


October 28, 2010




Introduction and Moderator:Peter W. Singer (Senior Fellow and Director, 21st Century Defense Initiative, The Brookings Institution), "Security in an Uncertain World: Great Britain's New National Security Strategy," in Cyberwar Resources Guide, Item #101, (accessed February 23, 2025).