Science of Cyber-Security

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Science of Cyber-Security


JASON was requested by the DOD (Department of Defense) to examine the theory and practice of cyber-security. Their main purpose was to see if there were principles that would make adopting a more scientific approach to cybersecurity possible. During the study, JASON found sub-fields of computer science that will be helpful with developing further recommendations for how to implement a science of cybersecurity. They also identify what's needed to create a science and recommend ways scientific methods can be applied. JASON also noted that the aspect of the following sciences could help develop cybersecurity: economics, meteorology, medicine, astrology and agriculture.

This report is unique because it offers a new perspective of what cybersecurity can offer and become. Government, military officials and security experts tend to suggest putting more money into technology and collaborating with institutions. JASON suggests a theoretical approach to cybersecurity. Creating a science of cybersecurity is an interesting approach, especially when the government/military is also playing "war games" to better prepare for cyber threats. By creating a "science," perhaps cybersecurity will be more effective as it develops.

The Science of Cyber-Security  is in the Education Directory, but also might be of interest to policymakers.


D. McMorrow
(no biography available)


November 2010


Document Item Type Metadata



D. McMorrow (no biography available) , "Science of Cyber-Security," in Cyberwar Resources Guide, Item #98, (accessed February 23, 2025).